Stated Communications 1st and 3rd Thursdays at 7:30 PM
Master W.·. B.·. Jeff Fenton
Senior Warden B.·. Brandon Fenton
Junior Warden B.·. Ryan Moore
Treasurer W.·. B.·. Sam Little
Secretary W.·. B.·. Brian Kremer
Chaplain B.·. Gil Larson
Senior Deacon W.·. B.·. Randy Bennett
Junior Deacon B.·. Hernando Rodriguez
Senior Steward B.·. Bob Johnson
Junior Steward B.·. Ed Webb
Tyler W.·. B.·. Dennis Hubler
Shawnee Lodge 54
6161 Slater
Merriam, Kansas 66202
David Gee Campbell and others were issued a Letter of Dispensation, June 26, 1867, by Most Worshipful Moses S. Adams, Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Leavenworth, to institute a Lodge in Shawnee. This resulted in a meeting at the Shawnee Grade School on July 13, 1867.
At this meeting, acting Deputy Grand Master J.H. Blake, installed David Gee Campbell as the Worshipful Master. W:.M:. Campbell served the Lodge as Master for the years of 1867, 68, 69. Other charter members were: J. Gamble, David Duff, William Elledge, Thomas Burnsider, Cornelius May, and G. M. Cornatzer. The first stated communication was held the next following Wednesday.
The first report showed 19 members and their regular stated communication hereafter “will be held on the Wednesday on or before each full moon at 7:30 o’clock and on the second Wednesday thereafter at the same hour.”
July 20, 1867, the first petition received was of G.W. Kennedy, presented by Brother C. May. Brother Kennedy was initiated August 28, 1867.
The Lodge was Chartered by the Grand Lodge on October 16, 1867.
David Gee Campbell, the first Worshipful Master, was born in Tennessee on February 13, 1821.
In 1864, he settled in Merriam, KS, founding the town then called Campbelltown. Brother Campbell served in the State legislature in 1865, 1868, 1875, and 1876. He died in 1890.
Shawnee Lodge, after occupying several other Lodge rooms, moved to the present location in February 1930. Paying rent until September 4, 1953 when they purchased the building. In 1965 a dining room area was added to the rear of the structure.
The Brothers of Shawnee Lodge still enjoy the fellowship started in 1867 by W:.M:. David G. Campbell, in the present location with a membership of over 350. Stated communications have moved from Wednesdays, to Tuesdays, and are now on the First and Third Thursdays at 7:30 pm.